Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Altar Servers
(Leadership Area:

Servers have the important role of ensuring the smooth running of the celebration of the Eucharist.
Boys and girls who have made their First Communion are eligible to become servers.
Training takes place at regular intervals, usually on a Saturday morning and trained Servers are enlisted into the Guild of St.Stephen.
Servers must attend Mass regularly, and it is helpful if it is one particular Mass, in order to establish teams who know one another and co-operate well. Experienced servers take on positions of responsibility and may be called upon to serve at extra Masses , Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.
Each server contributes to the celebrations in their own way and is always valued by priest and congregation.
The adult responsible for training of servers is Liz Bellamy.
If you would like to become an Altar Server, please speak to Liz Bellamy after 10.30 Mass on a Sunday, or contact the Parish Office (details below) and we will put you in touch with her.