Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic church. It is a fulfilment of the sacrament of Baptism through which we have been led towards a desire to live out our Christian faith. It fully initiates us into the life of the Church. Conversion to Christ is a gradual process to which Confirmation gives added strength. The confirmed person is strengthened by God’s grace through the Holy Spirit for the lifelong journey of which this sacrament marks the beginning.
“by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (1285) Catechism of the Catholic Church
Because this sacrament signifies being fully initiated and involved in the life of the church, those wishing to take the sacrament must enter into it of their own free will.
You can read more about the sacrament of Confirmation here

Confirmation of
Young People
Approx six month preparation programme
With other young people in the Parish
Programmes run every 2 years in time for Confirmation in the Summer.
Confirmations take place at St John's Catholic Cathedral, Portsmouth.
To register, please see information in weekly newsletter at the relevant time.
Next programme will start Spring 2024.
To join this year's programme please complete the registration form below.
Adult Confirmation
The Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a programme for anyone over aged 18 who would like to be received into full communion with the Catholic church, whether or not they have previously been baptised in a Christian church. We run an ongoing programme on Tuesday evenings and candidates are normally received into the Church at Easter. For further information and specific dates, please contact Fr Anthony or the parish office