Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
As Catholics, we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist or Holy Communion. We believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in our midst.
The celebration of the Eucharist is not a private devotion but rather a communal gathering. We come together at the same time and in the same place so that we can take part in a common action. It is often referred to as “communion,” a joining together of the members of the community, not only with God but also with each other.
You can read more about the Eucharist here
Any who has been received into the Catholic Church and is in year 4 or above at primary school can receive Holy Communion once they have been through a preparation programme. Please see programme details below

First Holy Communion for Children
A preparation programme for children over the age of 8 or in year 4 or above is run every year for children regularly attending Mass with their family, in this parish. The next one will start in the autumn of 2024, for children to make their First Holy Communion in June 2025. Children make their first confession half way through the programme. Registration forms are available via the parish office if you would like to sign your child up to the next programme or by clicking on the link here.
Adult Reception into the Catholic Church
The Catholic Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a programme for anyone over aged 18 who would like to be received into full communion with the Catholic church, whether or not they have previously been baptised in a Christian church. Currently there is a programme run by the Southampton City Centre parish. The programme starts in September and candidates are received into the Church the following Easter. More information can be found here.