Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Outreach and Pastoral Care
Supporting our parishioners
At Immaculate Conception we have formed a strong community and understand that need and hardship can present itself in a number of ways. Through groups like St Vincent De Paul, the Parish priest and our eucharistic ministers we seek to provide continued support to our parishioners by:
Visiting the sick both at home and in hospital
Visiting the lonely
Taking the eucharist to those who are not able to attend mass
Bereavement support
If you or someone you know needs this sort of support, please contact the office on 023 8055 5470 portswood@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk . The St Vincent De Paul Society can also be contacted on 020 7703 3030.
Support for the homeless and poor in Southampton:
The Parish collects food for Poitiers Care (Catholic Food Bank) - A registered charity that delivers food to people who would otherwise go hungry in and around Southampton area.
Supports Southampton’s Basics bank – The parish regularly donates to Southampton’s basics bank donating food and essentials on a monthly basis.
Homeless and poor collection – There are mass collections targeted at the homeless and poor. Additionally, a collection is collected on a weekly basis from teas and coffees served every Sunday. These funds specifically support the:
In addition, money collected through donations made through St Antony’s box help support those who ‘stop at the door’ in moments of crisis [the tradition of promising and giving alms to the poor for favours answered through St. Anthony's intercession].