Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
We are all called to become the person whom God created us to be. We are all a work in progress. To make progress on this journey requires effort rooted in God's redeeming mercy which comes to us through the sacrament of Reconciliation. In this sacrament we are encouraged and supported to examine our conscience, reflecting on the areas of our lives which need attention. God forgives us the moment we realize we need forgiveness. However, the sacrament of Reconciliation is a personal, intimate encounter with Christ whereby we can experience his transforming compassion, patience, understanding, forgiveness, healing and merciful love that leads to conversion and ultimately a deeper life in Christ.
God longs to forgive you. Remember, God knows that you are much more than the worst things you’ve ever done.
You can read more about the sacrament of Reconciliation here

The following opportunities are available to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation in the parish.
Saturdays 10.30 am
In the Lady Chapel after
10 am Mass
Penitential Services
You can receive the sacrament of Reconciliation at these services during Lent and Advent. Dates advertised in the newsletter at relevant times of year.
Personal Appointment
If you prefer, make a personal appointment with the parish priest by phoning the parish office
First Confessions
Children over the age of 7 can make their First Confession and the prepration for this is part of the First Holy Communion preparation programme. Click here for further details